Greetings, glad that you are enjoying our content, in this discussion we will be talking about freelancing, become a freelancer now, get self-employed, and start working after reading this article.
Who is a freelancer?
A freelancer is a self-employed person who has a particular skill set and offers relevant services virtually to different clients at the same time.
A freelancer can earn money by offering different services and works on an hourly basis or either on the project bid rate.
Isn't that interesting? Let's know how to get it started.
As mentioned in our last online earning article, we told you about different platforms to gear up to be a self-employed freelancer.
If you have comprehended any skill, great!, You are good to go now, let's discuss the platforms where you can offer your skills and earn handsome money.
Freelancing Platforms.
There are two types of freelancing platforms available for freelancers to get started with their freelancing journey.
These platforms are named as Traditional and Non-traditional freelancing platforms,
A Traditional Freelancing Platform is a place where An Employer posts the project, and A Freelancers Bid their price and gives a quote regarding his/ her services, and the best one to meet the requirements of an employer is being awarded the project.
A Non-traditional Freelancing Platform is a place where A Freelancer posts its services with brief description and service charges, and the buyer places an order on the best service offered by an individual.
There are hundreds of freelancing platforms where a freelancer can sell his/ her services, but we will discuss a few websites here.
Stating some Traditional Freelancing Platforms.
The best way to start as a freelancer is by signing up for a traditional freelancing platform that includes Upwork, Guru, Freelancer, and Peopleperhour. The websites mentioned above are examples of traditional platforms where you can signup as a freelancer and start promoting your services. By signing up on these websites, you will be able to see different projects that employers post to get their work done. While joining these platforms, one should always remember to sign up for those skills that you have mastered, so you can deliver the best quality work and stand out in the competition. After selecting a particular skill set, these traditional freelance marketplaces will keep on showing you the projects regarding your trades and skill set mentioned in your profile. A few bids are made available for free to new freelancers to start bidding and earn a project, but if you wasted those bids, you must be willing to pay for buying new bids to get in action again. Once a project is awarded, one should work hard and provide quality service to their client to earn a good review and yes, few bucks, which are obviousNon-traditional freelance marketplace.
The best Non-traditional freelancing website is Fiverr, which is the best platform for short term projects. By signing up on this website, after getting your account ready. You are allowed to post seven services (Gigs), there is no limitation to post these services for any single particular niche; one should also create seven different services having expertise in. A freelancer can post a gig, demonstrating their skill set with stunning images and good brief gig descriptions, these gigs must be relevant to what a freelancer may offer, and how much time it will demand to deliver an order. Afterward, a buyer will place an order understanding all the perspectives of your services, and you will deliver the work before the project deadline to make it a successful project. Hope this article felt useful to you, if you have any query or question feel free to comment down below, we will be posting more detailed articles allowing you to know these marketplaces individually.-f