The reason I would recommend this book is, it gives you a sense of maturity. It has the balance of moments that will make you blush. Moments that will break you. Moments that show you the reality and the magic of love. Moments that will show you a story of pregnancy, that many of us don't speak.
I read this book when I was 16? I guess.
But somehow I could exactly understand what women might go through when she is trying to conceive.
Especially in a desi culture where pregnancy is such a big thing and even your neighbor can ask you. As it's seen as "Norm". It even opened a lot of perspective to me on that.
In terms of character, I loved Quinn since she was raw and hadn't been sugar-coated.
In terms of the storyline, I wouldn't say every page was a different story but every page did make me go deeper in terms of emotions.
Moreover, the concept of "now and then" was my favorite because you get to see how so many things can change with time but yet the core things will always stay the same.
I'll end here cause boy I don't want to spill any spoilers. If you like Colleen Hoover. Then definitely go for this one too.
Lastly, a quote that I loved from this book.
"Be whatever you want to be. Be a soldier if you want. Or a lawyer. Or a CEO. Or a house-wife. The only thing you shouldn't be is embarrassed. -Colleen Hoover - All Your Perfects.